Many small to medium businesses we handle in our Accounting Practices at Springwood and New Farm suffer from cashflow starvation and its impacting the bottom line!!
When debtors are slow payers or they simply avoid your phone call and letter thats a sign that you need to change your process and procedures/systems. Its a red flag that your not managing your business and starving it of cash… we all know what happens when we starve, our mind set changes from abundance to scarsety and that effects the way your approach business decisions not to mention opportunities dry up.
When cashflow dries up, its a red flag for you to change your business approach and debtor proceedures
Secrets to improving your cashflow
You options are limited if you dont want too or cant do any of the above but you can:
writeen by Jye Amery CPA
Evolution Accountants New Farm & Springwood
Ph 1300 506 664
Fax 07 3011 1028