Business Tips

Self Managed Super Funds – Explained

As most of us know saving for superannuation is a government requirment, its an investment in your retirement. Starting a Self Managed Super fund (SMSF) means taking control of your investment in your retirement. You accumulate superannuation by paying it in yourself, claiming a business deduction from your business paying in or from employers paying 9% of your gross wages into a super fund of your choice... this can be to a "retail fund" (you pay someone else to manage your super) or paid into your SMSF (enabling you to manage your own investments)  

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Growing your business – Step 1 – Know your areas of improvement

By focusing on a few key strategic focus points, one business worked out that they could potentially turn their profits from $15,000 to $100,000 in one year.  This sometimes seems too good to be true…..this does not happen overnight, but if you don’t focus on the important focus points for your business, it might never happen….that is a certainty!

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Increase your profits by 131% without a 1 extra customer

There are only 4 ways you can do this: Increase your number of customers Increase your number of transactions Increase your average sale Increase your effectiveness

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7 Good Computer Habits

Cultivating good computer use habits will optimise your operational efficiency and benefit your health in the long run too.

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Business potential………….

By focusing on a few key strategic focus points, one business worked out that they could potentially turn their profits from $15,000 to $100,000 in one year. This sometimes seems too good to be true…..this does not happen overnight, but if you don’t focus on the important focus points for your business, it might never happen….that is a certainty!

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